Hola bona,
Espero que estiguis bé i en bona salut idealisme,el Meu nom és Anna Baez dels Estats Units, em vaig trobar el teu perfil a l'hora de cercar un greu home per una relació seriosa, seria un honor si vostè pot tornar a mi en el meu correu electrònic privat [annabaez224@outlook.com " així com per a mi, enviar-me la foto i dir-te més sobre mi mateix,moltes ganes de rebre el seu correu.
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Hi Dear
I sent you a letter but got no reply from you,or didn't you receive my previous letter i sent to you? i wait to read your response soon.(lumauma16@yahoo.com)
REPLY ME BACK WITH THIS EMAIL ID.(ethelcachero01@gmail.com)
My Name is Mrs.Ethel Cachero wife to Dr Christopher Cachero from Philippine,who was the Deputy Secretary General of Bayan Muna party-list group in Southern Tagalog Who was attacked and killed in our house on the 9th may 2010 from your profile I believe in me that you ought to be a very honest person, I need someone who would take for whom I am and as a life time partner, after making claims of my deposited life Before my late
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