I memorize the note you sent
(He memoritzat la nota que em vas enviar,)
Go all the places that we went
(He anat a tots els llocs que vàrem anar.)
I seem to search the whole day through
(Durant tot el dia cerco)
For anything that's part of you
(Alguna cosa que sigui part de tu.)
I kept a ribbon from your hair
(He guardat un llaç del teu cabell)
A breath of perfume lingers there
(Hi queda un rastre del teu perfum)
It helps to cheer me when I’m blue
(M’ajuda a animar-me quan estic trist)
Anything that's part of you
(Una cosa que és part de tu.)
Oh, how it hurts to miss you so
(Oh, quin mal que fa trobar-te a faltar tant,)
When I know you don't love me anymore
(Quan sé que ja no m’estimes.)
To go on needing you
(Continuar necessitant-te,)
Knowing you don't need me
(Sabent que no em necessites.)
No reason left for me to live.
(Ja no tinc cap raó per viure)
What can I take, what can I give
(Què puc prendre?, Què puc donar?)
When I’d give all of someone new
(Quan ho donaria tot per alguna cosa nova)
For anything that's part of you
(Per alguna cosa que fos part de tu.)