sarralenc |
Gràcies Anna per l'info
Tuesday, September 30th 2008, 6:16 PM
Doncs acabo d'anar al: com tu ens recomenes
i després de veure'l una estona els hi he escrit a la secció:
Sending a request to the Correspondence with
Citizens Unit. Primer: breu descripció del tema, i
després, exposició del que demano. Va així:
Catalan is my mother tongue. I have dual nationality:
Spanish by conquest, Canadian by choice.
I can, respectfully address to you in English, but not in my mother tongue.
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Considering the above, that I cannot write in my mother tongue.
Couldn't you do something to have my language, Català-Valencià, which is also spoken by over 9 million people, be declared official in the European Parliament?
The country which is "supposed" to defend our language, Spain, does not treat Catalonia nor its people as equal to other people from non-Catalan origin. The non-Catalan have their language, Castilian (which they have promoted to call it Spanish, eliminating the other languages of what they now call Spain, meaning Castile and her conquered territories) made the only official language for all the territory (their own, plus what they conquered with Hitler and Mussolini's aid)
Even some of the representatives from Catalonia, in the European Parliament, are the new version of the Nazi collaborators in the conquered territories of the II World War.
You remember that Hitler and Mussolini, as well as other collaborators were taken care by Allied justice;
but Franco was the only one was spared. Our great cellist and patriot, Pau Casals, died in exile in Puerto Rico as a protest to Franco's rule in conquered Catalonia. Franco APPOINTED the king who is still the Head of Sate of the Spanish "empire".
Can we keep hope , someday Europe will be REALLY FREE?
I am 80 years old and I have not lost all hope you will do something.
Estic una mica cansat per traduïr-lo ara; però, si amb algú ho vol, amb molt de gust faré el que pugui.
Una abraçada per tots/tes