Perquè m'abelleix...
diumenge 20/juliol/2014 - 05:18 725 2
per què abans la música es comprava... es pagava... es "traficava" -que m'el deixes grabar ? en compraven un i passava per tota la familia i amics hehe-... es compartia... de germans grans a petits, a amics... etc...
(Ara no se li dona cap mena d'importància: només anar a un concert i a veure qui se'l pot pagar... ehem)
* Amb Genesis:
Carpet crawlers:
The lamb lies down on Broadway
==============>Va deixar Geneis i va començar una nova etapa:
* Sol:
Solsbury hill:
Biko (col·laboració de Yousou N'Dour i col·laborant amb "les causes":
Come talk to me:
********************* Don't give up:*******************************
"Don't give up" - New Blood Orchestra - Live in London HD
In this proud land we grew up strong
we were wanted all along
I was taught to fight, taught to win
I never thought I could fail
no fight left or so it seems
I am a man whose dreams have all deserted
I've changed my face, I've changed my name
but no one wants you when you lose
don't give up
'cos you have friends
don't give up
you're not beaten yet
don't give up
I know you can make it good
though I saw it all around
never thought I could be affected
thought that we'd be the last to go
it is so strange the way things turn
drove the night toward my home
the place that I was born, on the lakeside
as daylight broke, I saw the earth
the trees had burned down to the ground
don't give up
you still have us
don't give up
we don't need much of anything
don't give up
'cause somewhere there's a place
where we belong
rest your head
you worry too much
it's going to be alright
when times get rough
you can fall back on us
don't give up
please don't give up
'got to walk out of here
I can't take anymore
going to stand on that bridge
keep my eyes down below
whatever may come
and whatever may go
that river's flowing
that river's flowing
moved on to another town
tried hard to settle down
for every job, so many men
so many men no-one needs
don't give up
'cause you have friends
don't give up
you're not the only one
don't give up
no reason to be ashamed
don't give up
you still have us
don't give up now
we're proud of who you are
don't give up
you know it's never been easy
don't give up
'cause I believe there's a place
there's a place where we belong
Don't Give Up" - New Blood Orchestra - Live in London HD
in this proud land we grew up strong
we were wanted all along
I was taught to fight, taught to win
I never thought I could fail
no fight left or so it seems
I am a man whose dreams have all deserted
I've changed my face, I've changed my name
but no one wants you when you lose
don't give up
'cos you have friends
don't give up
you're not beaten yet
don't give up
I know you can make it good
though I saw it all around
never thought I could be affected
thought that we'd be the last to go
it is so strange the way things turn
drove the night toward my home
the place that I was born, on the lakeside
as daylight broke, I saw the earth
the trees had burned down to the ground
don't give up
you still have us
don't give up
we don't need much of anything
don't give up
'cause somewhere there's a place
where we belong
rest your head
you worry too much
it's going to be alright
when times get rough
you can fall back on us
don't give up
please don't give up
'got to walk out of here
I can't take anymore
going to stand on that bridge
keep my eyes down below
whatever may come
and whatever may go
that river's flowing
that river's flowing
moved on to another town
tried hard to settle down
for every job, so many men
so many men no-one needs
don't give up
'cause you have friends
don't give up
you're not the only one
don't give up
no reason to be ashamed
don't give up
you still have us
don't give up now
we're proud of who you are
don't give up
you know it's never been easy
don't give up
'cause I believe there's a place
there's a place where we belong
"No et rendeixis" - New Blood Orchestra - Live in London HD
En aquesta terra orgullosa créixer forts
ens falta de tot
Em van ensenyar a lluitar, em van ensenyar a guanyar
Jo mai vaig pensar que podria fallar
No vaig abandonar la lluita o això sembla
Sóc un home els somnis han desertat
He canviat el meu rostre, he canviat el meu nom
però ningú et vol quan perds
no et rendeixis
'Perquè tens amics
no et rendeixis
vostè no està vençut encara
no et rendeixis
Sé que pots fer-ho bé
encara que ho vaig veure tot
Mai vaig pensar que podria ser afectada
Pensem que seríem els últims a sortir
és tan estrany com les coses es tornen
conduir la nit cap a casa
el lloc en què vaig néixer, a la vora del llac
Mentre es feia de dia, vaig veure la terra
Els arbres havien cremat fins a terra
no et rendeixis
és possible que ens ha
no et rendeixis
no necessitem molt de res
no et rendeixis
Perquè en algun lloc hi ha un lloc
on pertanyem
descansar el seu cap
et preocupes massa
que estarà bé
quan els temps es posen difícils
pots recolzar-te en nosaltres
no et rendeixis
si us plau, no et rendeixis
'He de sortir d'aquí
No puc aguantar més
quedaré en aquest pont
mantenir els ulls sota
el que vingui
i tot el que pot anar
aquest riu està fluint
aquest riu està fluint
traslladat a una altra ciutat
es va esforçar per establir-
per a cada lloc de treball, de manera que molts homes
tants homes amb necessitats no-un
no et rendeixis
Perquè tens amics
no et rendeixis
vostè no és l'únic
no et rendeixis
no hi ha raó per avergonyir
no et rendeixis
és possible que ens ha
no et rendeixis ara
ens sentim orgullosos del que ets
no et rendeixis
vostè sap que mai ha estat fàcil
no et rendeixis
Perquè jo crec que hi ha un lloc
hi ha un lloc al qual pertanyem